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Key speakers

Michel Goemans (MIT)

URL: http://www-math.mit.edu/~goemans/
Short bio:

Michel Goemans is the Leighton Familty Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a faculty member of MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and of MIT Operations Research Center (ORC). He is currently the Chairman of Applied Mathematics at MIT. He has held an Adjunct Professorship at the University of Waterloo, a Professorship at the University of Louvain and a visiting Professorship at RIMS, Kyoto.

His research --- in the areas of discrete algorithms and combinatorial optimization --- has been rewarded by several prizes, in particular the 2000 AMS-MPS Fulkerson Prize and twice the SIAM Optimization prize. He is an ACM Fellow, a Guggenheim Fellow and a Sloan Foundation Fellow.

Talk: The Power of Matroids
Matroids constitute a combinatorial abstraction whose power goes well beyond the many greedy algorithms they help explain for problems in combinatorial optimization. Optimizing over the intersection of two matroids for example lead to non-trivial, efficient algorithms for a host of network design problems. In this talk, I will illustrate the use of matroids on a few examples, including a life-saving application for the problem of matching donors for kidney exchanges, and a problem in wireless information flow. No a priori knowledge of matroids will be assumed.

Philippe Baptiste (CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique LIX)

URL: http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~baptiste/
Short bio:

Philippe Baptiste, 37, is a researcher at CNRS and associate professor at Ecole Polytechnique. He is the director of the computer science lab www.lix.polytechnique.fr. He is also leading the Polytechnique chair "Microsft-CNRS optimization for sustainable deveoppment".

Philippe works on operations research, constraint programming, discrete optimization and scheduling theory. His main contributions are (1) the integration of operations research algorithms in constraint programing systems and (2) solutions of some long standing open questions in scheduling theory.

He has published two books and 40 papers in international journals. He serves on the editorial boards of 4OR, Discrete Optimization, Constraint Programing Letters, Operations Research Letters and Journal of Scheduling as well as in several program committees. He has been awarded the IBM Goldstine Fellowship, the Cor Baayen Award (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) and the Prix Robert Faure (French OR society).

Philippe has also lead industrial research contracts and he has served as a consultant for several companies such as Ilog or Eurocontrol. He has jointly started Ergelis, a small company working in energy management.

Talk: Sustainable Development: How can we help
Progress in Sustainable Development should help us to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development has become a major stake and a universal concern in developed and developing societies. It is driven by the scarcity of natural resources and the necessity to control the effect of development. Efficient sustainable development policies adopt a holistic view, which considers natural resources depletion, the effects of industrial activities, and sociopolitical factors.
In this talk, we will try to show why and how OR should help to answer several questions raised by sustainable development issues.

QuantOM - HEC-Management School - University of Liège
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